05 January 2012

Evaluation: Question 4

Q4 Who would be your audience for your media product?

Our primary audience would be young boys, aged between 7 and 13 who enjoy action films and comedy. They would be interested in adventure stories and may share similar interests with the main character(reading, playing games). They would be of any ethnic, economical and social group. I chose this target demographic as they are likely to go to films, as younger kids are more enthusiastic about watching films and can get their parents to take them to the cinema often. They are also the same age range and gender as the main character and therefore can relate better with him. The themes of our film are also quite universal(being a loner but then gaining friends, exciting challenges) and the audience can also relate to this as they may often dream of challenges and have faced similar issues. This audience would expect a fun comedy film, with some action as well, due to our two posters. The first one shows all the ninjas in the background who look very ready to fight, but some of them on closer inspection look comical as they seem to be dancing. The second one also looks action orientated with the ninja and his fight me sign. The primary audience would be attracted to our film as it looks very action orientated and uses a lot of darker colours which attracts boys. There is also the tag line which is simply “Fight Me” which grabs their attention.
This target audience would have watched films such as Cars 2(2011), Kung fu panda 2 (2011) and How to Train Your Dragon(2010).

The secondary audience would be girls who are of a similar age and are interested in similar films and activities as the boys. They would be less girly then the typical girl in the 7-13 year old age ranges, and perhaps has brothers who get them into more boyish interests. They would be attracted by the dark colours and action poses in the poster, and is looking for a fun and exciting film to watch. They may also be able to relate to the main character, but not as much as the boys which it why they'd be the secondary audience.

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