04 January 2012

Evaluation: Question 3

Q3: what kind of Media institution might distribute your media product and why?

My media product was a short independent film, and therefore I researched how films are distributed. A films life cycle can be summed up in three stages- the Creation of the film(including pre-production, production and post production), Marketing and Distribution and finally Exhibition. At the beginning a films concept is made and pitched to investors or producers who are willing to buy into the rights of the film,. Then the cast and crew and out together and they produce the actual film. What then happens is the film is either given to an outside distributor or a section of the production company that deals with distribution. The distributer then has to decide how many copies of the film will get distributed, using their knowledge of the market to estimate a correct amount. Then they invite representatives from different cinema groups (such as Vue and Odeon) to a screening to ensure that these cinemas do want the film and then they can negotiate about pricing and exactly how many copies the cinema groups want. Then the distributes finally send off the copies a few days before the premiers and the film finally makes it to the exhibition stage. However, as we created a short independent film, I also researched how independent film makers distribute their films. Many filmmakers go straight from production to the exhibition stage, by uploading their videos onto Youtube and other video sharing sites such as Vimeo. On the other hand, there are some independent distribution companies that specifically aid independent filmmakers with distributing their films.

One such company is Shorts international, an independent distribution company that works with short films. They distribute their films to cinemas, television and Itunes. Not many independent film distributors actually distribute to Itunes, which could be very useful for our film as it's aimed at young people who would be using Itunes often, and would be encouraged to buy the film for their ipod/phone/pad. They also distribute to Europe, America and Asia, and have their own TV channel in some countries. Most of their resources look to go into their broadcasting on Television, which is also useful as not many distributors do this either, and it's a smart market strategy as it shows the short films to a wider audience. They don't seem to have a specific genre they work with and specialise in low budget, independent films which is why they could consider our short film.

Breakthrough Distribution is another independent distributer that works specifically with independent filmmakers. They “develop custom, multi-platform action plans designed to maximize revenues and build core personal audiences”, which means they create schemes designed to suit the type of film they are working with. The business generates sales to all mediums , including theatrical and DVD releases. They also offer marketing and public relations work, effectively taking care of everything after the film is created and consultation to help new filmmakers get the best deal.

This business has worked with over 200 films and in a variety of genres which means they would be open for distributing a kid's action comedy film, such as ours. Their services are very helpful to new filmmakers- “If you are you an emerging filmmaker trying to make the leap from documentaries to features or simply seeking to get your project made, we can assist you from concept through completion”. Their consultation can be very beneficial to a new filmmaker and can help them get used to the business while the Distribution Company provides consultation and guidance.

Left films is another much smaller independent film distributer, and has only distributed a small number of films. They distribute mainly direct to DVD and allow people to watch their films online. Although they haven't done many films yet, their motto of “a fresh approach to distribution” rings true. As many films are being illegally uploaded online, this distributer gets the upper hand by directly distributing on their website so people can go straight there to watch. Theres also buy now links which entice viewers to buy the films they like, and this lets them generate sales. By going directly to the internet they save money and also are able to effectively get their film out to the public. This distributer works with alternative and comical films which can't be taken seriously, which is why they could consider distributing our film, even though they haven't previously distributed kids films.

Besides from distributing with a professional distributer we could distribute directly online through video sharing sites such as youtube. However, youtube itself is very full of content, and can be a waste for a short filmmaker to put their film onto youtube, unless they already have a significant fan following. Youtube is also very limiting now of length, and doesn't really support very long videos. Therefore, a site like vimeo may be better to share videos as it allows a larger film. However, even then Vimeo is still a large site and isn't really specific for independent films. There are however sites online which do cater to this need, such as Open Film, which is “where you can discover and share quality content”. They provide a platform for new, independent filmmakers to distribute their films online. As they are also very well known in festivals, it gives a larger chance for these independent film makers to get recognition. They also hold contests on their website which gives the winner a monetary sum or prize- one such prize is a scholarship of $5000 towards college.

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