25 November 2011

Audience Profile

Primary Audience Profile

Gender: Boys

Age: From 7 to 15 years of age

Interests: Very imaginative, enjoy videos games on console of comupter, like read read fiction or interesting fact books, like action movies, cartoons.

Secondary Audience

Girls of a similar age who have similar interests, or teenagers of either gender looking for a lighthearted comedy.

Why did you choose this traget audience?

The type of story we were going for best suited this target audience- our film is an action comedy and centers around a young boy very similar to the target audience. Becuase of this, they can relate to the main chaacter and would enjoy the film more becuase of it. This market is also quite large as many children do visit the cinema for bithdays or family outings.

What other films would the target audince have seen?

-Spy Kids 4
-Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2
-Cars 2
-Kung fu panda 2
-How to train your dragon

What would you need in your poster to attract this audience?

-Darker colours, to make it more apealign to boys
-Quite basic layout and image, so the main atmosphere of the film is shown through the poster
-Shows the weapons and ninja costume, to get the TA interested and let them know its a ninja film
-Bold writing on titles and tag line

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