23 November 2011

Karate Kid: Dre Parker (character interview)

Interviewer: Today, we have the star of the newest karate Kid film, Dre Parker!

Dre parker: Hi everyone!

I: Now Dr e! Congratulations on the big win! And what a fantastuc win it was- the only way you could believe that this mazing stunt was real was if you watched it with your own eyes!

I: such a spectacular kick! Tell me, what drove you to learn kung fu?

DP: Well, really I always liked all the kung fu fighters- they were always so cool, and so strong1 I wanted to be just like them. When we moved to China, I always watched them on TV. Once, I even saw a whole school training in a courtyard! It was amazing.

I: Well it's great to see someone so youn g being so passionate!

DP: Yeah- it's so exciting, but it's also a lot of work.

I: Really? Can you tell us about your training routine?

DP: Sure! After school everyday, I'd go to Mr Han's apratment. He'd help me with my skills- you know, punching, kicking, all that stuff. But it was really confusing at first! He go my to put my jack on and off a hook for like, two whole weeks! I really thoguht he was crazy, but then I realised he was teaching me. And it all really paid off.

I: So apart from your passion to be a martial artist, what else drove you to do this?

DP: Well...you see. when I first moved to China, I was bullied a lot by the other kids becuase I was different. And they even beat me up once. I guess I really did it so I could have a way to protect myself. And I wanted to prove myself to everyone too.

I: Oh I see- if there anyone in particular yo were trying to prove yourself to?

DP: Yes. There was this one kid called Cheng- the same guy I faced off in the finals. I wanted to defeat him, and I knew the only way I could was to join the tournament and defeat him in a fair fight.

I: Ah- so do you believe in all this about honour and dignity?

DP: Yes, ofcourse! Otherwise he would have cheated or they would have ganged up on me.

DP: I wanted to Defeat him fair and square. And besides, those things are important- during my training, I learnt it takes real dicipline to succeed in your goals.

I: Well, those are wise words! And I think we'll finish off with that- thanks everyone!

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